Work with FitSimm:

  1. We integrate all geological, geophysical, geomechanical and petrophysical data at several scales (agile management), leading to a general fracture model
  2. We qualify effective SRV through simple to complex Fracture Models explaining stimulation (multi-sources, multi-scale calibration)
  3. We manage the full fracturing – production simulation sequence using a single representation throughout in predictive mode
    1. Easy updating without needed simplification (ex: no upscaling),
    2. High definition discretization needed to understand drainage patterns, interférences (fracture network connectivity and matrix fracture exchanges). This improves significantly DFIT,  LoT & Flowback analysis, opening ways to calibrate EOR-Refrac new designs
    3. Capacity to simplification, preserving accuracy and pertinence
    4. Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) improvement using an adaptative transient representation
  4. Carrying knowledge thoughout the PAD offers the possibility of self-learning, making big data techniques operational for field development.
  5. Improvement of uncertainty evaluation, reducing investment and regulatory risk
  6. We maintain a know-how through an active collaboration with academia, insuring an updated knowledge through operational testing readily available to our clients

In summary, we use a symbiotic approach, leaving your original workflow capacity intact yet boosted, enabling cost reduction and field optimization. 

(Fractured) Reservoir Studies
  • Account for all data and all scales (multi-scale)
  • Diagnosis including multi-level calibration (from stage to multi-pads – Field)
  • Stimulation design and field development recommandation
  • Expanded reservoir simulation capacity (non – intrusive):
    • linking your model to our Fracture Complexity Manager
    • accounting for any heterogeneity complexity (natural and induced fractures)
    • rendering the transient behavior
  • End to End Reservoir Management (Calibration, Re-Stimulation, Drainage parent-child wells, EOR, CCUS, Geothermal)
Non Intrusive Modular Solutions
  • HDS-Methodology is a series of software tools, from characterization to simulation, plugged to your internal computer system. Your original workflow can be expanded, giving you additional options.
  • Study management can be done either using your workflow or adding the individual workflow associated to each tool.  The general framework leads to an incremental methodology and to a more efficient data use.
  • This multi-option feature expands knowledge among teams, favoring several developement scenarios, which can be decided through a « loop-learning process« , optimizing ressources and costs throughout.
Augment your options

Fitting your company strategy, our  different offers (POC, POP, à la carte):

  • Solve YOUR problems (answering several issues such as: productivity or interference within a PAD, fracture complexity and drivers of a stimulation, flow-back understanding, etc…
  • QC your current work-flow, improving the learning curve through proofs (field data driven), and testing it against other software. The embedded approach leads to the inclusion of new designs, new options, and therefore new ways to develop the field
  • Allow the testing and « symbiosis » between asset teams, offering alternative developments driven by what the field tells rather than the capacities of a model (we use proof and prediction as guidelines).
Bring Research Developpement to the field

Using our academic Network we provide several JIPs

Big data : Scale – Drivers and Proofs

Looking for characteristic, pragmatic data to constrain your simulation, take a look to our library

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